“Entrenched thought forms are like a buildup of plaque on our consciousness.”
~ Marianne Williamson
I have choice on my
mind. Let me explain what I mean. Over the last month I’ve spoken with
my private clients and tons of new people at the many workshops,
networking events and seminars I’ve attended. Here’s what I noticed:
people are struggling with being “overwhelmed.”
To be overwhelmed
literally means you are drowning beneath a huge mass. Have you ever
said, "I can't take this! I'm so overwhelmed!" But are you truly
drowning? No, this is just an entrenched thought form; a way of reacting
to the arrival of new opportunity, responsibility or crisis. So really
it’s a learned choice (habit) to respond in a way that makes you feel
like you are drowning. Sounds crazy, right? Why would you purposely and
consciously choose to drown?
Watch this month’s message to get my take on choice and my simple formula to stop the overwhelm.